Malmesbury and District Branch


Recent news



June/July 2022

In June some of the members enjoyed a day out in Weston-Super-Mare with a fish and chip lunch. The sun shone for a while, and we even got a glimpse of the sea. Here are some photos of the day:



At our July meeting we were finally able to hold the AGM which had to be cancelled in January due to Covid. After all the formalities everyone enjoyed a cream tea.




May 2022 Meeting - Severn wheelers

A few of the members who enjoyed the talk by Geoff Brown (1st left). We also welcomed the Mayor Kim Power and her Consort Catherine Doody (5th & 6th left).

At our May meeting we enjoyed a very interesting talk by Geoff Brown from the Severn Wheelers.


Severn Freewheelers is a charity that provides a free out-of-hours courier service for hospitals in Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, North Wiltshire and Herefordshire.


They carry whole blood, pathology samples, patient scans / x-rays, human milk - in fact any medical essentials between hospitals in the area.



Mayor of Malmesbury Commendation Award 2022

Pictured (l to r) are Mayoress Frances Smith, Carmen Kucharek, Sue White, and Mayor Paul Smith.

We were delighted to receive “The Mayor of Malmesbury Commendation Award 2022”


It was presented to committee members Sue White & Carmen Kucharek at the Annual Town Council meeting in Malmesbury Town Hall on Thursday 28th April.


We were also nominated for Organisation/Group of the Year 2022.


Recipients of Ten Year Volunteer Contribution 2022 Certificates were:-


Carol Hinwood recently retired membership secretary after more than 30 year’s service


Christine Mace, current chairperson


Bill Perkins, past chairperson.


Sue said it was an honour to accept the award on behalf of the branch, and great recognition of the hard work of all involved.



Richard of Leonard Walker Family Butchers gives £1,000 to Christine Mace, Chair of the Malmesbury Branch of Parkinson's UK. L to R, Christine Mace (Chair), Richard Walker, Martin Hanington, Sue White (Vice chair)


Each year at the Late Night Christmas shopping event in Malmesbury, Richard Walker of Leonard Walker Family Butchers sells burgers outside his Market Cross shop with all profits going to charity.


This year Richard and his team which included Martin Hanington, a committee member, cooked and sold 300 burgers in just over 2 hours raising the fantastic sum of £1,000 which he donated to the Malmesbury branch of Parkinson's UK.



Christmas Party
Committee Christine, Alan, Carmen, Martin & Sue. Volunteer helpers Laura & Danielle.
Christmas Party

Christmas Party

In December we were pleased to be able to hold our Christmas party, as it had to be cancelled last year.


It was well attended in spite of ongoing Covid issues and a cold evening.


We all enjoyed a ‘bring & share’ buffet, raffle and a singsong with the Athelstan Players.


Thank you to everyone who brought food for the buffet, and donations for the raffle.


Thank you also to the committee and our volunteer helpers Danielle, Laura & Henry.


Abbey Mill, Tintern

In November 30 members and friends enjoyed a coach trip to Abbey Mill Tintern for a Christmas carvery lunch & entertainment.

Abby Mill
Abby Mill
Abby Mill
Abby Mill


Carol Hinwood Presentation
Carol Hinwood Certificate

October 2021 Meeting

At our October meeting we were delighted that at long last we were able to present Carol Hinwood with a certificate marking a fantastic 30 years serving on the committee.


Carol retired from the committee in January, but due to Covid 19, we had been unable to present it before.


Carol was a member of the original committee when the branch began. Congratulations Carol!


Bill Perkins Presentation

First Meeting Face To Face

September 29th was our first ‘face to face’ meeting in 19 months.


It was lovely to see so many familiar faces again, and to welcome all the new people too.


Lots of happy chatter with tea and cake, a great way to celebrate being back together again!


Jane Henderson, our Network Support Officer presented Bill Perkins with a certificate to mark his hard work & dedication during six years as chair of the Malmesbury branch.


Bill retired from the committee in January 2021.



Cricklade Café

The Cricklade Café restarted on Wednesday 22nd September. Christine and Sue enjoyed meeting the Café co-ordinator Vincent & his wife Maggie, and people from Cricklade, Swindon and Shrivenham. The Café is held on the third Wednesday of every month. All welcome.



Corsham Café

The Corsham Café restarted on Monday 6th September. It was well supported and great to meet face to face again. Lots of catching up done!

The Café is held on the first Monday of every month, all welcome.



Community Day - February 2020

We had a Community Day in Malmesbury on the 8th February and had a stand there in the Abbey - it was a great success. Here is a photo of Carol and Sue.

Carol and Sue




Two outings were held in 2019:

In May we went to the Royal Worcester Museum for a tour which included a very interesting talk and in the afternoon we had a cream tea

In November we went for a short tour of The Forest Of Dean and then headed for the Abbey Mill at Tintern for a three course lunch followed by entertainment. The meal was very good and the Mill staff were very helpful.